How to Embody Queen Energy

Sandra Possing
4 min readFeb 28, 2021


You know those women who walk into a room and everything just… stops?

Where time seems to pause, people stop and stare, and the room is filled with her glow?

Ya. That. That’s fucking QUEEN ENERGY.

Anyone can embody queen energy. You can be any gender. (Shout out to all the fabulous trans women who are amazing at this and have a lot to teach the rest of us!)

You can be any age, any race, have any type of body and absolutely still unleash your inner queen.

It is 100% an attitude. A decision. A commitment to stand tall, OWN who you are, and dare to shine your light.

The woman with Queen energy doesn’t have anything to prove.

She doesn’t need you to like her. (But you probably will.)
She doesn’t need your permission or approval.
She doesn’t wait for instructions.

She walks, tall and proud, through the world.

Her presence is magnetic.
Her face is radiant.

Her eyes exude warmth.

She knows who she is and owns that shit.

She knows what she wants and pursues it passionately.

She does not apologize for who she is or what she wants.

She takes up space.
She speaks her truth.
She will not be tamed.

That is queen energy. We all have it, somewhere inside of us. It’s just that most of us have no idea how to access it.

I can teach you how.

Side note: Fully stepping into queen energy is a longer, more involved journey than this blog post, but here’s a little taste to get you salivating 😉

Know who you are

First, you must know who you are. How can you own that shit if you don’t know what it is?!? Do the soul searching. Look deep within your heart and uncover your truth. What makes you tick? What makes you YOU?

Know what you want

How in bloody hell are you going to get what you want in life if you don’t know what that is? You’re not. (Unless you just get lucky. But fuck that shit, you want to be in the driver’s seat, not relying on luck.) Figure out what turns you on. (Not just sexually, but also sexually!) What lights you up? What are your goals, dreams, and desires?

Speak your truth

For some of us, this takes serious practice. But I don’t care how scary or hard it seems to you, just start. The queen must speak her truth! She does not censor herself or worry about ruffling feathers. Say what you mean. Mean what you say. Dare to be the person in the room who is being honest. (And be the badass who learns how to speak truth AND does so with love, respect, and compassion.)

Act boldly

Queen energy is a force. It does not sit around and wait for instruction, permission, or validation. It goes after what it wants. If you are a people pleaser, perfectionist, procrastinator, just plain scared, you MUST act! You simply must! This will be one of the keys for you. Start small. Take baby steps. Grow your courage. But act! Feel the fear and do it anyway. Move swiftly in the direction of your dreams.

Stand tall

Your body is a beautiful vessel. Train it to stand tall and proud, and your mind will learn to follow. Even when you’re scared or unsure, DECIDE to stand tall. You don’t have to know everything or be the most competent person in the room. You can simply choose to know that you are worthy. BELIEVE that you are a gorgeous soul with limitless potential and a big ass heart (and perhaps a big ass too, yay!), and find the sacredness in that. Be proud. Drop your shoulders down and back. Look people in the eye.

And lastly,

Lift others up

This is a crucial part of queen energy. Queens do not put others down. They do not think they’re better than. It’s not about superiority or control. (Not for the real queens anyway.) It’s about being so goddamn badass and strong and also KIND and respectful and big-hearted, that you can’t help but lift others up. Your mere presence inspires, empowers, and opens them up. You may intimidate them at first, but they’ll come around. Be the change you wish to see in the world (thanks, Gandhi!), shine your light brightly and unapologetically, and invite those around you to join you in your queendom. Because every woman — every human — deserves to feel the strength and beauty of embodying their inner queen.

It’s never about arrogance. (Arrogance is just insecurity overcompensating). It’s about taking ownership of yourself, unleashing your unique brilliance into the world, and unapologetically daring to confidently BE that. With your thoughts, your feelings, your words, your actions, your presence.

Are you down? Let’s do this.

Have fun, queen. Celebrate that bitchin’ crown. You so deserve it.



Sandra Possing

Sandra Possing is a speaker and mindset coach. She empowers impact-driven high achievers to unlock their potential and manifest their dream lives.